Allows for search of specific values or strings of text within a column's values.
Calculation Editor
Input Parameter Values | Input Values |
Text to Find | Column or Literal (Required) |
Input String is a | Filter: List of Values or Simple Text |
Case Sensitivity | Case Sensitive or Ignore Case |
Only Rollup If | Generic Criteria |
Input | Input Values | Required |
Input 1 | Column or Literal | ✔ |
- Input String is a "Filter: List of Values" will search a filter list of values (a list of values separated by semicolons) for a specific "Text to Find" value and return 1 only if it finds an entire field in the list that matches. Review example below.
- Case Sensitivity indicates whether capital and lowercase characters will be taken into account as a match or not.
Example 1
- Design > Calculations > Contains
- Inputs:
- Text to Find: Supplies
- Input String is a: Simple Text
- Case Sensitivity: Case Sensitive
- Input: Vendor Name (ex: ABC Supplies, Alphabet Homes)
- Output: ABC Supplies = 1 and Alphabet Homes = 0
Example 2
- Design > Calculations > Contains
- Inputs:
- Text to Find: 00004
- Input String is a: Filter: List of Values
- Case Sensitivity: Ignore Case
- Input: Document Numbers (ex: 00001;00004, 00001;00002;00003)
- Output: 00001;00004 = 1 and 00001;00002;00003 = 0
If the above example had "Text to find" set to '4' instead of '00004', all resulting contains outputs for the example would result in 0 records because it is only checking for whole one to one matches inside the filter: list of values.