Running Total
Sum of a set of numbers up to a certain point.
Calculation Editor
Input Parameter Values |
Input Values |
Column to Group By |
Column (Optional) |
Input |
Input Values |
Required |
Input 1 |
Column or Literal |
✔ |
- Leaving "Column to Group By" blank will result in a running total based solely on the current sort order (if any) from your report.
- Adding a column to "Column to Group By" will result in running totals that only total within the grouped values that have been assigned.
- Sort order matters because that will determine the order of summarization as you move down the list of outputs.
- Input: Gross Amount (Respective Records: 20, 15, 45)
- Quick Calculations > Math > Running Total
- Output: Running Total (Respective Records: 20, 35, 80)