Date Calculations
- Convert Time : Converts a date/time from the report’s time to UTC or vice versa
- Date Difference :
Will give mathematical difference of the span between two date columns, e.g. Due Date - Invoice Date
- Date Offset
: Will take a date parameter and offset it based on an input date, an offset unit type like Day or Week, and the offset value, e.g.. 1 for one day and 2 for two days, etc.
- DateTime to Numeric
: Will take a date format and convert it to Excel Numeric, HHmmss, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, or yyyyMMddHHmmss formats
- Day of Month
: Will take a date and extract the day of the month
- Day of Week
: Will take a date and extract the day of the week
- Day of Year
: Will take a date and determine the day of the year off the calendar date
- First Day of Month
: Will take a date and convert the value to the first day of the month
- First Day of Year
: Will take a date and convert the value to the first day of the year
- Indexed Month Description
: Will take a date and display it as period number and month description
- Julian Date
: Will convert date format to a Julian date used as a standard time measure to calculate computer data by a scientific numeric date in lieu of Gregorian Date Formats
- Julian to Date
: Will convert Julian date format to a Gregorian Date format
- Last Day of Month
: Will take a date and convert the value to the last day of a month
- Last Day of Year
: Will take a date and convert the value to the last day of a year
- Month
: Will take a date and display it as period number
- Month Description
: Will take a date and display it as period description
- Relative Date : Conditionally returns a value if a date falls within a specified date range. This uses Smart Filtering to select records by date. This feature is used by the Organized Date Trend wizard and is an Advanced Calculation
- Today's Date
: Will use chose the variable for "today's date" and return today's date in the system. Used in Quick Calculations for corresponding data field type and to create date offsets
- Week Number
: Will take a date and provide the week number for the date
- Year
: Will take a date and display it as year