Pre-Built Reports for Any
JD Edwards Application

Pre-built Data Access Studio Reports
Companies measure and monitor performance in many similar ways. With hundreds of pre-built Data Access Studio™ (DAS) reports, there is no need to reinvent the wheel.
Better results today
Templates™ is a collection of pre-built DAS reports. The assortment of templates is based on both the common business needs of JD Edwards customers and ReportsNow’s expertise. These customizable templates consist of hundreds of pre-made reports across the most common lines of business.
- Start creating operational reports immediately
- Modify templates and build custom data fields to tailor reports to exact business requirements
- Receive updates on more than 500 report templates as they become available
- Access templates for all JD Edwards modules
- Improve DAS user adoption and return on investment
- Use a text-based search function to navigate the catalog of templates

Any application, every report
The Templates collection offers value to all lines of business and end-users of all skill levels. A free 30-day trial provides the ability to browse the entire list of templates. These templates yield faster report creation while allowing customization to address the needs of individual businesses. The text-searchable collection is logically organized based on JD Edwards business systems as shown below:
- Capital Asset Management
- Customer Relationship Management
- Financial Management
- Foundation Systems
- Grower Management
- Human Resources Management
- Inventory Management
- Manufacturing Management
- Order Management
- Payroll
- Real Estate Management
- Sales Order Management