Justen Geiger | Chief Operating Officer
J. Geiger Consulting

Matthew Sohrweide | VP, Consulting Services
J. Geiger Consulting

Daxx Roberts | Assistant Director, Professional Services
What if you could seamlessly integrate the results of a DAS report into a JDE process without any manual steps? You can! We’ll show you how to format ReportsNow outputs to interact with JDE Orchestrator, how to configure Orchestrations tailored to your JDE processes, and how to scale it across your organization. Whether it’s automating invoicing, updating critical data, or triggering other business functions, this integration is a game-changer for modern JDE workflows. We will guide you through the technical steps for smooth data parsing and execution. As a bonus, we’ll also demonstrate how to create a portal using a JDE page to effortlessly consume ReportsNow output! Even as technology manages routine tasks, people are the architects of innovation.